I always change my mind. I want to do something, because it sounds cool. I do it for a few weeks at the most, then quit. I kinda knew I'd come back. I just know I want to continue writing now. But Its too late to start now and my parents will yell at me. Tomorrow. I'll have a date with you blogspot, tomorrow.
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I'm no good at blogging.
       Looks like I'm booked for the weekend. That's a shocker. Literally. I am very excited for tomorrow. I get to see a good friend :). And homemade tacos for dinner. Yumm. I also might see Incideous. But we'll see how that goes. Is it weird that I've been reading Cosmo online? Uhh...
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       Sometimes I wonder what things would be like under different circumstances. The big 'What If' everybody most likely asks themselves. 

I'm getting Rosie's for dinner!

       I mean don't get me wrong, I love where my life is at right now. Still I wonder if the grass could be greener, had I not made certain mistakes. What if, my life could be better? There are better things out there? I'm not used to such things as being paid for all the time, and it is quite nice on the other person's part, and I give them major credit. It makes me wonder. People could kill themselves asking this too often, being so unhappy and all. It was just a thought though, and I can't dwell. I'm content. Lets not make it bad?
Half the things I want to write about are too personal and I'm scared that certain people will see. Obviously that's not what this is meant for, but still. I'm writing about my life and I feel like I'm leaving so much out.
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